Thursday, March 17, 2022

The Uplift Protocol Union: Issue 14


Issue 14: By Force Alone


            I don’t know what will happen. I have to put my faith forward as my shield. Be the light that carries me a home.-Delayed message.

            This is the moment. A shift. One small movement rose to a sharp crescendo. It was one thing to hear her speak of it as the Arbiter within my time. It is another to live it.—Ta’mathon.

            That first step was the end of my normal life. The curtain was pulled back. As Unity probed my mind I dived into its multitudes as well. What did I find? It denied all planes of reality other than its own. Broken, debased, listless. It saw beyond the reality of life and found no solace within the realms of the eternal. I would not fall within the remains of the World Eater. That was put on display. Not in the way Unity expected.—Sleeping in Starlight: Z’ahramdus


The Stomach

My dark matter beams bisected endless undead. A necropolis. Formless pits. The entire form of Z’ahramdus at Unity’s beck and call. Misty golden lances arced outward. My army at my back chanted. They no longer feared death. This moment was for them.

C’alain roared, “Archers!”

Vast rows of velveted white fire sprang forth. Each arrow hit its mark. Corpses dissolved. Cloned forms. Like Chronos’ underlings. Those Void Walker husks. All of them had been direct blood puppets. I clutched my head. Each aspect of Unity shouted.

Satan hissed, “Yes. We have an endless supply. The Highest summons you? A mere mortal of flesh and bone? With those pitiable ghosts at your back?!” I sucked in a breath. An avalanche of frigid ice poured into the gaps. My lungs burned with the effort. This would only slow down the advancing hoards. That was all I needed to do. The foul ichor that was a part of Nyx guided me deeper. The place that Unity wanted to shield above all else.

Noah phased through my flesh. His spirit was a scalding flame within.

Search for the wound. We shall guard your mortal form.

I rose above the melee. The scent of brimstone faded. The piece of me connected to the evil within Nyx cooed. “Master!” I dived through layers of desiccated flesh, bone, and Living Stone. A brackish pale green corona rippled against my soul. As I stepped through a voice purred, “Oh. Does dear Highest want an audience?!” I rolled to the side as a scythe crashed into the ground next to me. A hideous snake man with pale green scales cackled.

I reached into my chest. A simple spear of light rose. I gripped it tightly. Scaley reared back. “No. NOOOOO!” He charged. I met him in the middle of the black marbled arena. He howled, “She bares WITNESS! ENTHRONED! WE ARE DECEIVED!” A wave of energy lashed out. Blazed from my spear into his hideous chest. He fled down the obsidian corridors.

White Lilies bloomed with each step I took.

I prayed.

“For thou are with me.”


            The 8th watched as Leviathan snarled. Retreated deeper into the Soul Shard of the Collective Dread Hoard. It frowned. White beams of light were blooming in the wake of Murphy’s passing. Its features froze.

            “Witness. Thronebearer. Why put that soul within such a weak shell?!”

            Lucifer’s honeyed words rippled across time, “You will regret making an enemy of my Father.” The 8th pulled its misty cloak about its form. The words echoed. Mocking. Heavy. It shouted, “Destroy the Banner’s mortal form. Then bring its soul to me.”


Noah watched as the bright white illumination cracked against the membrane. Eliza was almost there. He whirled in place. Created a cyclone that threw the corpses in all directions. He made symbols in the air. Drawing upon the artifacts within Murphy’s body to augment the Arcane Order rites.

“God is with me. I walk within the Shadow. Guardian of the Light. We reject you!”

The millions of souls alongside him shouted. Their chants joined his. Arbiters all.

He would get her body to the Crystal Coffin. The rest would attend to itself.

C’alain’s spirit sword beheaded the closest zombies. Their brown ichor splashed against the flagstones of the current necropolis. The cities kept reforming. Noah said, “Starburst formation!” The souls of the Arbiters closed ranks. Each point of the star repulsed the defenses of this foul place. White Owls circled. Black scrawl crackled around them. A counter to Noah’s cyclone.

Six demonic forms. Wreathed in ash, fire and stone emerged from the walls. Satan bellowed, “This is all you can do? Great ruler of Creation?!” The heavy obsidian blade cracked down. Those puppets that were too slow burst into flame. The White Owls morphed. Their bodies twisted. Three black horns protruded. A mockery. Their long fingers stroked the flames.

Pale white arms covered with sores.

Noah roared, “For Elysium!”

Liquid silver rose. It burned through all it touched. Not the fallen hellfires of below.

The divine path revealed itself.

Dexter stepped forth, “You have no dominion here.” He charged.

His silver wings were tipped with gold.

The 8th saw this. It plucked the cords within Unity.

Surely the Highest wasn’t stupid enough to sacrifice its main defender!?!


            The angry pulsating wound.

I watched as it writhed. Embedded within the flesh was a remnant of Matarn’s spear. I plucked it. Then drove it deeper. Each strike sent a wave of undead   at me. They passed through me with no purchase. I turned. A figure in an elegant white robe approached. Its features shrouded.

It asked, “Why would the Highest choose you? A cripple of Nyx’s experiments. No matter. Die.”

        It raised its arms.

A wave of decay threw me off my feet. With my last strength, I aimed Matarn’s fragment above the enemy’s cowled head. It struck true. The obsidian glass shattered. Not from the power of my strike. The Titans coiled around the crystal. Hi’ulk, Timat, and Darva said, “Thank you. Remember us.”

It screamed, “FLEE!” I could see the Amarche words etched on its shard.

A gentle voice said, “You have served me well.”

I gasped. Water flowed over me.

The liquid carried me away. Until I could only feel one thing.

The stem of a white lily within my palm.

Earth (Eden)

Tower of High Eden



            Proctor Gansys fell to his knees.

            The murals around him shifted.

Weave Speakers crowded around him. “We no longer hear the Path!”  He watched as the holy sigils cracked. The Arcane protectors circled their charges. “Convergence.”

            Gansys said, “Convergence of the First Gate.” He crossed himself. Muthra prayers upon his lips, “By the Wall, We Endure. Guide our Arbiter to safe harbor.”

            The Black Dragon symbol faded. The World Eater was gone. In its place? The Future.

            Three Thrones rose from the Ashes of the Dragon. No colors adorned their designs.

            Fate had not yet decided the final cards.

            Gansys sent the last remaining data packages within the Arcane Network.

            “It is up to Throne Bearers now.”


            Gwen keened, >>Eliza is gone.<< The message rippled across the Family Line. Even against the mandate of silence. The pain was insurmountable. They had failed.

            The Howling bowed his head. They would be fighting doubt.  Bardax and Earth’s dogs would provide the Wall. He sent the signal. They would guide Eliza through the Gates. So would Dexter. For they walked the same Path.


            MT-155 awoke to the heady scent of white lilies.

Lo’tar murmured sleepily, “Is it time?” She replied, “Not yet.” His green eyes snapped open. He rose from their shared bed, “I’ll grab us some coffee.”

The Shores of the First Gate

Beyond the Known Universe

Unity’s Purgatory 

I watched as the stars faded.

My mouth filled with cotton. Like I couldn’t get enough to drink. A small black cat mowed. I picked him up. He rubbed his head against my palm. “Mew?” His collar was white. The nametag was blank. In the shape of a shield. I held him up at eye level, “Who puts such a symbol on a collar I wonder.”

 It was a tiny trident head. Pearly white.

I asked the cat, “Do you know how to get home?”

It flicked its right paw towards the stones rising from the mists.

I followed.

ABH Lone Ranger

Docking Bay

Escape Vector Omega Meeting Point 

J’ino’s fist connected with J’anu’s face. The force of it sent Urraden flying. A single tooth rolled across the deck. It reminded Eddie of a dice roll. The other pirates watched from behind energized bars. This wasn’t their fight. J’ino dashed forward. Her kick was stalled by Doctor Impossible. Lorain’s plea filled the dead quiet of the docking bay. “We need her.”

J’ino paced. Her tears were hot and heavy within the cold compartment.

Ranger said, <<Allied forces arriving.>>

Within another wing of the docking bay, the hiss of a body passing through energy barriers registered.

Thomas held his wife. “We can get her back.”

J’anu opened one swollen eye. Her steely gaze ruined.

The Banner walked towards them. Her gait strange. J’anu eyed the demi’s suit. It was damaged. The blood of men, spirits, and demons covered her from head to toe. She hissed as ghostly fingers pressed against her ocular nerves. She shouted, “I will not help!” Her ears went next.

C’alain’s hated visage swam before her mindscape. <<We do not need your help. You need us. Cousin.>>

The baldfaced truth of it set her teeth on edge. She would remember this.


            J’ino reached out, “Where are my children?” She knew this wasn’t Eliza. The Banner bowed formally, “I am Noah. All those who were Arbiter now protect this body. For the rekindling.” The ghostly shapes danced around Star. J’ino saw her ancestors among their number. Alongside Litari, Bardaxians, Humans, and others within the Arcane Order.

            J’ino bit her lip. A rough callused thumb wiped the tears away. “I’ll see to the pirates of J’anu’s forces. Give them basic food and water. You should read the letter sent to you.” She jerked away. Still within her husband’s strong embrace. “Then you can look at my letter. I'll even read it.” She saw the red lines around his eyes.

His smile nearly broke her. “We must leap my dear. If you are falling off a mountain you might as well fly.”

            He stepped back. Cupped her chin. Kissed her tenderly along her left temple.

            He proceeded to drag J’anu’s comatose form towards the other prisoners. J’ino was shocked to see the ancient pirate woman crying. Her scarred face was buried in her hands. One of the younger males tried to console her. Then her mind caught up with the mental anguish along the family line. Lorain pulled J’ino aside, “I'll give you the sitrep. Such as it is.”

            Impossible’s eyes were raw.

            J’ino couldn’t see the hatchways before her. Neither could Lorain. They made it a few steps into the corridor. Then sat heavily on the antigrav bench. Ranger said helpfully, “Sending servitors to the galley.”

            Doc let out a watery croak, “Make mine on the rocks.”

            J’ino added, “Make it two, with a water pitcher added. I'll have you drink mine.”

            Lorain’s last barrier faded away, “Oh yeah. Baby on board.”

            Both women ignored the tears as they hit the deck.


            Noah released Eliza’s body into the Queen Consort’s care. He felt it better that a woman should handle such things now that the first of many battles were behind them. Queen Consort Athlass phased into her kinswoman’s form. Noted that her heart still pumped. Her mind was blank. Noah said, “Because the mind exists as a portal for the soul.” They were within the guest quarters assigned to them by Ranger. C’alain appeared through the wall. “We shall take turns watching over Eliza. I will protect her in case of battle. My wife will handle the rest.”

Noah folded his hands within his sapphire robes. “I will leave the rest of the Arbiters with you. I must go inform Gansys.”


            I opened my eyes.

I had fallen asleep on the hammock within the back yard. I stretched.  My grandmother called from the kitchen, “Eliza! Help me set the table!” A small black cat followed. What was his name? His white collar glittered. My mind wandered. What had I been doing? I frowned. Then the smell of gingerbread made me forget. Mom had her hands on her hips, “Don’t you do anything worthwhile in that college of yours?!”

            She shook her finger at me. Dad said from the doorway, “Come on. It's her birthday.”


            Dexter stared heavenward. They were inside the Soul Shard. Not the one guarded by the Titans. The 8th. Known only as the Shroud within the Lexicon. He would do his duty. Find a way to help Eliza break through the False Dreaming. He watched as Lilith pretended to be their mother. Satan reclined in an easy chair. Mammon continued to bake cookies. Loaves of bread and other sweets. Gluttony’s eyes locked onto Eliza. With Eddie’s voice, it asked, “How are we supposed to be a proper demi team if….”

        This was why she had to be oblivious.

        The Highest would find out. He would find out.

Then smite them all with divine retribution. 

Issue 13: Here

Issue 15: Here

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